Ellen Baker

Ellen Baker Anime Dakimakura Japanese Hugging Body Pillow Cover

Ellen Baker Anime Dakimakura Japanese Hugging Body Pillow Cover

$99.00  $29.99
Sale $100.00
Save: -1%
* Dakimakura Hugging Body Pillowcases only if you no need inner pillow.If you need the Cover insert or filler,you can choose your inner pillow size... more info
Ellen Baker Japanese anime body pillow anime hugging pillow case

Ellen Baker Japanese anime body pillow anime hugging pillow case

$99.00  $29.99
Sale $100.00
Save: -1%
* Dakimakura Hugging Body Pillowcases only if you no need inner pillow.If you need the Cover insert or filler,you can choose your inner pillow size... more info

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Asuna Yuuki - Sword Art Online Hugging body pillow anime cuddle pillow covers

This is the first body pillow I've purchased and I'm quite...

Asuna Yuuki - Sword Art Online Hugging body pillow anime cuddle pillow covers

It was quickly delivered, the fabric is fantastic and the...

Asuna Yuuki - Sword Art Online Hugging body pillow anime cuddle pillow covers

The custom-made print was excellent, great quality product...

Asuna Yuuki - Sword Art Online Hugging body pillow anime cuddle pillow covers

Actually came faster then expected, was pleasantly...
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