Ellen Baker

Ellen Baker Anime Dakimakura Japanese Hugging Body Pillow Cover

Ellen Baker Anime Dakimakura Japanese Hugging Body Pillow Cover

$99.00  $29.99
Sale $100.00
Save: -1%
* Dakimakura Hugging Body Pillowcases only if you no need inner pillow.If you need the Cover insert or filler,you can choose your inner pillow size... more info
Ellen Baker Japanese anime body pillow anime hugging pillow case

Ellen Baker Japanese anime body pillow anime hugging pillow case

$99.00  $29.99
Sale $100.00
Save: -1%
* Dakimakura Hugging Body Pillowcases only if you no need inner pillow.If you need the Cover insert or filler,you can choose your inner pillow size... more info

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Shimakaze - Kantai Collection Japanese character body dakimakura pillow cover

Love it. Glad she was an option. She is a great waifu and...

Shimakaze - Kantai Collection Japanese character body dakimakura pillow cover

e. The original images I had sent in for my custom prints...

Shimakaze - Kantai Collection Japanese character body dakimakura pillow cover

Great product! Fast print and shipping, and very good...
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