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dog days - Ricotta Elmar Dakimakura 3d japanese anime pillow case

I was apprehensive about getting such a light colored dakimakura sents getting one from another company. It had specks on the image that weren't dirt but ink from the printing that could not come out. So I was elated to see that this daki was absolutely perfect with not a single blemish to be found. The quality of the peach skin fabric is also the
$99.00 $29.99
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dog days - Ricotta Elmar Dakimakura 3d japanese anime pillow case
Very happy with the item, was very soft and comfy, the art...
dog days - Ricotta Elmar Dakimakura 3d japanese anime pillow case
It was a gift and that's the best quality they have and...
dog days - Ricotta Elmar Dakimakura 3d japanese anime pillow case
This Bag is the perfect way for your beloved Waifu, to...
Ichigo - Darling in the Franxx Body hug dakimakura girlfriend body pillow cover
$99.00 $29.99
Save: 70%
Save: 70%